Tuesday, 6 February 2018

Hyper-V 2016: Virtual Guest Stuck in Starting in SCVMM

I had a VM-guest get stuck in state "Starting..." in Virtual Machine Manager for a clustered Hyper-V system. 

Refreshing the guest, host or cluster did not help.
Restarting the VM-host where the VM-guest was stuck did not work either. 

Most options were greyed out when right-clicking the guest, only showing "Refresh" and "Connect or View" which in turn only showed network. 

Logging into the VM-Host where the guest was situated according to SCVMM showed in Hyper-V Manager that the guest was not on that host. 

After logging into the other hosts of the cluster I found the guest on one of the other hosts. VMM still showed it to be on the same (incorrect) host as before.

After some troubleshooting back and forth I finally tried opening up the Failover Cluster Manager on one of the hosts and went to Failover Cluster Manager - <Clustername> - Roles.

 I marked the VM-guest with the "Starting..."-problem and live migrated it to one of the other hosts.

This cleared the status in SCVMM and show the server nice and tidy on the host where I moved it.

Monday, 5 February 2018

Powershell: Restart a Windows Server

To continue the tradition of using Powershell for normal activity we would otherwise do using the Windows Graphical Interface here is a quick intro to using the command Restart-Computer to restart your server or computer.

Thursday, 1 February 2018

Powershell: Install all RSAT Tools on Windows Server 2016

To get all administrative tools installed easily on a Windows 2016 Server one simple cmdlet is available.

Powershell: Ipconfig command

A good way to get into a routine of learning Powershell is to do your usual command prompt commands in Powershell instead. For me ipconfig was one of those commands.